Monday, 20 April 2020

Distance Learning 20/4/2020


  1. Wow as always I am impressed with your learning Room 18. Thank you for sharing what you have been up to Alistair, Daisy, Ethan, Lithara, Maddie, Marcus, Sayuni and Theo. Lots of creativity. Very interesting reading about Sri Lanka.

  2. Daisy, Sayuni, Alistair, Ethan, Marcus, Theo, Maia, Alex, Jordan, Lithara, Maddie....gosh I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. I loved sharing your learning. Theo, we are trying very hard to save water at the Steel house. The rain over the last few days has been helpful. Jordan, I was thinking about making some Anzac biscuits this week. I saw a recipe in the Herald this morning and it reminded me that I must buy some rolled oats the next time I go to the supermarket.

  3. I love your work guys

  4. I love your creative art work Alistair, Maddie, Alex, Ethan, Sayuni and Griffin. I learnt lots of your family histories Lithara and Theo.You looked cosy in your reading corner Daisy. Sayuni's brother enjoyed being read to and I enjoyed reading your Under the Sea narrative. Good to see you exercising Maddie and Alistair! The water experiment was interesting Maia. Delicious anzac biscuits and blueberry lemon scones Jordan and Lucas. Great learning Room 18. Ka pai!

  5. i like your creative work Alistair,Maddie,Alex,Sayuni and griffin.i learnt so much about your work you guys did.good exercising Jordan. by Ethan

  6. Nice ANZAC cookies Jordan. We will try to make some ANZAC cookies and hope they will be as good as yours YUM! Daniel
