Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Friday, 19 June 2020

Room 18 Artists

We made self portraits following the inspiration of the artist Romero Britto. At Kowhai Assembly today some of us shared our art with the audience.

Autumn Poems at Assembly

We have written Autumn poems using descriptive adjectives and verbs. Today Griffin, Rachael, Theo and Maddie shared their awesome poems at Kowhai Assembly.

Cinquain Poems

Our class are learning to write poems. We had a go at writing cinquains-5 lined poems.
Will, Lucas, Aston and JayRett read their cinquains at Kowhai Assembly today.

Well done Jackson!

Congratulations on receiving an award for all the enthusiasm you show in Room 18 and at Enviro with Mrs Daniel. 

Congratulations Aston

Congratulations Aston 
for being awarded with a certificate for your enthusiasm for learning and for sharing your excellent general knowledge.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Our Cinquain Poems

A cinquain is a five line poem:
Line 1-one word(2 syllables)
Line 2-2 words(4 syllables)
Line 3- 3 words(six syllables)
Line 4-4 words(eight syllables)
Line 5-1 word(2 syllables)


yellow fluffy

swimming waddling diving

swimming like a fish


By Courtney


Colourful, flightless

Hunting, laying, stalking

An endangered mountain bird


by Rachael


Cheeky curious

           breaking snatching nesting 

        Keas stealing sparkly jewellery 


By Lucas




Aqua Tufted

Flying sucking eating

Flying in the sky


By Aston



                         Cheeky silly

Flying breaking feeding

Eating fish and squid


By Lauchy



cheeky and curious

breaking, laying, stealing

as tall as Tui




Yellow fluffy

Swimming diving flightless

Waddles in the cold


By Jordan




Friday, 5 June 2020